
keep putting one foot in front of the other


because it’s what you are supposed to do

what about if i don’t want to anymore?

then you won’t reach your destination

but what about if i have reached my destination?

you won’t know that until keep on trying and pushing forwards

but what if i don’t have the energy anymore? because i don’t

then find it

from where?

from your hidden reserves deep down inside you

i think i used all those up a long time a go

there are always extra reserves

no there aren’t, thats just what people want you to believe

they say it because it’s true

no, they say it when they don’t have to walk that path you are walking and so they keep saying everything is going to be ok

it is your own thoughts that are keeping you blocked and stuck where you are

no, it is my life experience that things will never get any better

you have the choice and you ‘can’ choose to move forwards

move forwards in this world of paranoia i live in?

yes, learn how to conquer it

but how can i do that when i’ve learnt so many lessons the hard way that all that will happen is that i get hurt

you take things slowly, one step at a time, one day at a time

and wait until i get hurt again? fuck that


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4 Responses to …………..

  1. kat says:

    Reblogged this on Me: Finding the Missing Pieces and commented:
    yes, this is EXACTLY how it is. no matter what youre told, it never changes.
    thanks for the reblog.

  2. Honey out of all the people in the world i have been to hell and back and not just in this last year

    Did you ever believe you would find love again ? No but guess what it happened

    Did you ever believe that you would have the friends and people around you surrounding you in light ? No but guess what it has happened

    All i can say to you is hold on to the faith that one day it wont be as bad as it is today, life throws things at us that are there to test us and show us how strong we are.

    Pushing forward is the only way to live because we cant go back wards that only brings regret and heart ache.

    The time for you to be happy is when you chose for that to happen, let go of all the hurt that holds your heart in a dark place and let the light around you guide you into your new life

    You wont reach that light at the end of the tunnel if you dont keep heading towards it xx

  3. thanks hunni…this is from a much younger one internally who is just working through her stuff x

  4. manyofus1980 says:

    well done yous. its not easy to work on your stuff. I applaud you. sending hugs strength and love ❤ xoxoxo

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