Please don’t pay me any compliments!!

Please don’t pay me any compliments is something i want to shout out to the world right now…i can’t take them, don’t know how to accept them, never feel like i deserve them and it sends us all spiralling inside…..

you wouldn’t think getting a compliment could send you suicidal, would you??

i love that through readings i am able to help people out in some small way but i hate how some people put me on some kind of pedestal and say things like ‘you are amazing’…..

no i’m not, you aren’t seeing the ‘whole’ of me when you say things like.  I wonder if people would still feel the same if they knew how many personalities we have?? i wonder if people would still feel the same if they knew about my past??

it makes me want to run.  it’s so lovely of people to post nice comments but i can’t deal with them, others inside want to self harm over them because it triggers off so many things.

Think i need to work through this issue slowly

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1 Response to Please don’t pay me any compliments!!

  1. Well, I’m glad you’re able to express how you feel! I guess it’s a bit like shaking all the dust and cobwebs off an old blanket before you toss it in the washer. It’ll probably get cleaner that way. So let all those cobwebs fly and air things out! 🙂

    Where compliments are concerned, maybe it would help to consider them as encouragements instead. 🙂 In my opinion, everyone here (in the physical world) is equally deserving of those, because life here can be so hard at times. And anyone, like you, who is working hard to improve themselves and heal certainly deserves to be encouraged!

    People who care about you are just sending positive thoughts and encouragement to share their strength. They know how difficult some of these inner struggles can be to overcome and, while they don’t know the weight of your struggles, they generally know what it’s like to experience them–and they’re simply trying to ease that burden or help in some way. You’re a fellow human being and anything that’s done to help one makes our world a better place for everyone.

    To be honest, your past and the number or nature of your personalities aren’t important to me. You could have a thousand personalities and tortured animals or been an axe murderer in your past. I wouldn’t care. What’s important is that you’re a human being, just as we all are. You’ve probably had more difficult challenges to overcome than most, but you’re still here, making an honest effort to work through them and be comfortable with who you are. That’s not easy. It takes hard work. It takes GUTS. So many people don’t even try.

    Frankly, we ALL have aspects of ourselves that need improvement. Regardless of the height or complexity of the challenges, the process is often the same. I think it’s all about acknowledging these aspects, loving them for the lessons we learn from them, and deciding how to best integrate them into our “whole” self so that everyone benefits. Some aspects obviously require more work to integrate than others but, as you say, just take things slowly–step by step. Each day that passes and each step forward just puts you ahead of where you were yesterday, or last week, or last year..

    Just remember that you’re an individual aspect of All That Is, and therefore a unique expression of life. We all are. That’s what makes us ALL, every one of us–including you, so special.

    So just know that we’re here for you–and all aspects of you, and even if they don’t feel particularly loved, they are. 🙂


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