Tried to be positive….

When i woke up this morning i was determined that today was going to be ok and sure felt it until i went for a run.  I hadn’t been running long when the negative talk started internally. This always happens when i try to do something to better myself.  The voices started and brought up loads of memories of things i’ve done wrong in my life.  I tried to counteract them by repeating positive self affirmations and talking louder than they were but having that many memories and those kind of memories brought to the front were just too much….

I have tried my absolute best to keep going today but i’m sinking fast.  I guess that a positive thing is that it’s reminded me what happens and what to talk to t about but it doesn’t take away the fact that i feel so small and defeated right now because being reminded of all my wrongs like that is defeating!! It’s like others inside have this catalogue and keep it safe until they want to bring  me down.  After such a  positive start to today and i’m once again in tears and it’s still only the afternoon

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2 Responses to Tried to be positive….

  1. These aspects of self seem as if they’re clamoring for attention. Have you tried just loving them? When I experience old ways of thinking I wish to change, I give them a “mental hug” of sorts and send them on their way–almost as one might treat a small child. Sounds goofy, I know, but it usually works for me!

  2. kat says:

    i have lots of days like that too. don’t know what to say to help. sometimes i try to keep being positive, but everything and i do mean everything seems to conspire against me until i give up. or some other times, i don’t even try and i still have a horrible day. hope you stay strong and keep working for the next day.

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